Mondays are typically my marketing days, even when I'm busy with contracted freelance work. I do this t0 keep a constant flow of work coming my way. On most Mondays, I...
- look for freelance writing jobs,
- update my website and check its traffic,
- update my LinkedIn networking site and see what's happening with everyone,
- check invoices and article due dates,
- touch base with editors,
- set appointments with people I need to interview during the week,
- send queries or letters of introduction (LOIs),
- check to see if my Craigslist ads are current (yep, they do work sometimes), and
- check to see what my favorite bloggers are talking about. If I'm honest, I check on my favorite blogs daily. Sometimes more than once per day--it's called procrastination. :)
Today, being a Monday, I have started doing all of the above, but have just finished reading a really great blog post that I'd like to share from The Renegade Writer Blog. Today they're featuring a great post by guest blogger, Michelle V. Rafter owner of the WordCount blog, who has written a timely piece about using LinkedIn for marketing . It's appropriately titled "Secrets to my LinkedIn Success" and you can read it here.
There are two contests that I ran across today for free, soon-to-be-released books. Read the posts and enter the contests. I did! Here are the links:
- Ask Allison- Allison is hosting a "Book Giveaway Bonanza!" here. Go ahead and enter the contest to win her new book, "Time of my Life", but spend some additional time on Allison's blog. She has tons and tons of info on magazine writing for freelancers, and, most recently, a lot of information on writing, publishing and promoting your book.
- The Urban Muse-Susan has a terrific blog too! After entering the contest to win a copy of Michelle Goodman's "My So-Called Freelance Life: How to Survive and Thrive as a Creative ," spend some time perusing the fabulous insider information at The Urban Muse. Susan recently left a full-time writing position to become a freelancer. Her blog site is posted with all types of very useful information.
Now, what are some of your favorite blogs?
Michael Stelzner, from Writing White Papers, has posted the winners of his annual "Top 10 Blogs for Writers" contest. You can find the winners here for the 2008-2009 contest.Is your favorite on the list? If yes, which is your favorite? If not, who did Michael miss?
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