Thursday, December 7, 2006

I'm working on an article today, another profile piece, which I like. It's going well, but I'm finding that I'm getting a tad bit distracted by Christmas these days. Is anyone else?

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Oh goodness! Today was crazy!

I just talked with my publisher today about an article I finished for his trade magazine last month. Apparantly I approached it all wrong, so I have to do a rewrite.

I've worked with this magazine on a part-time basis for two years and do mostly profile pieces (since I'm not an expert in their field), which I enjoy writing. I think this is the first time I totally missed the mark and have to pretty much do a "do-over".

I'm thankful, though, that I have this article to rewrite, another one to write, and one on the way. I will succeed at full time freelance writing, I will succeed at full time freelance writing. This has become my mantra.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Today was a good day. Most days are. I'm convinced that I've made the right decision in becoming a full-time freelance writer. The timing is right, I've been freelancing for a trade magazine for two years now, and I have LOTS of support. Now is the perfect time!
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