It's too easy to put off your marketing strategies when you have projects at hand and deadlines looming. The problem is, though, if you don't keep up with the marketing and job hunting, you'll find yourself--at the end of your projects--without anything to do. Then you panic!
Been there, done that, but have learned my lesson.
My strategy, today, is to spend every Monday marketing, job hunting, sending out LOIs (Letters of Introduction) and submitting queries. I spend the whole day doing these activities, and for the most part, they've helped to keep the assignments rolling in.
Here is a list of resources for job hunting, submitting queries and sending out LOIs:
Craigslist...Some crappy jobs here, but some good ones too.
Freelance Writing Jobs for Web and Print...This is a blog with good info and job postings from different job boards.
ProBlogger... This is a blogging job board.
mediabistro.com...Lots of info here, plus jobs. Lots of free stuff, but if you want full access, pay for membership.
Freelance Writing Jobs...Lots of great info here too.
Writer's Market...I use this resource online, though you can buy a hard copy in the book store. This is a good tool for finding trade magazines to send LOIs to and for finding magazines that you can pitch article ideas to.
What are some of your favorite resources for finding work?
Good day,
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Good Luck and Thank You!
Rusty Squire