I just realized that I haven't posted on this blog for over a month! It's not that I haven't had anything to say, I've just been extremely busy with work. No complaints about that, though!
I've also been taking a class through my Freelance Success membership on Crafting Queries. It's been very interesting, though again, with work I haven't been able to give it my full attention either. My goal is to get out of the class with three saleable queries.
I just received a check from ALL YOU magazine for my first national consumer article. It's due to be printed in the February '08 issue. This was very exciting because it's my first national article, but also because I'm a subscriber to the magazine.
I've picked up a few new trade magazines. In addition to writing for the Engravers Journal, I'm also writing for Fabricator Magazine, International Bowling Industry Magazine, and Massage & Bodywork.
I'm also doing work for hire for the Teen Health Series and will be starting some website copy work for an attorney in Chicago.
Like I said...lots to do, but no complaints! I can always use MORE work, though.